Saturday, April 28, 2012

Life has changed. No more calls after 1. Am i at peace? Well, its good riddance. But, the red light still blinks. Well, i'd rather not right about my somber experiences with women, but instead discuss about the hypocrisy and the perversion which has had a pervasive effect on our lives. Let me begin with the way everyone is looking for peace in their lives. But, we still have flings, casual sexual encounters, one night stands are discussed openly. being in a relationship has become a passe. World is full philanderers and promiscuous girls longing to get 'hooked'. Sex is making the world go round. Funny! But we still want peace. Every one wants love, but we still ignore the people who matter the most. "Move on", "onto the next one" is how we do it. Something which really amazes me is the fact that we all love to be around the beach, breathe fresh air, eat organic fruits, have greenery around us, but at the same time, we are the ones who are destroying everything that lives. Why so much hypocrisy? Why cant we just be at peace with ourselves ? 

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